Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Great Microbiologists and City Arborists

A friend of mine told me to watch this great clip about great microbiologists. It is worth the 8 minutes of your time it takes to watch it, especially if you are a microbiologist. Also, check out what my husband does all day as a city arborist. Enjoy!


Mandy said...

I watched the Great Microbiologist clip not once but TWICE - and now the rest of the lab is watching it on the computer we use to play music, so I'm technically listening to it a third time! Pretty creative though - the barking boy with rabies was the best! ;)

Fixen Vixen said...

Yes, rabies boy is one of my favorites along with the "Wee beasties!" part.

J-Funk said...

It seems like that woulda taken forever to make. Pretty sweet.

Mandy said...

where are you fixen vixen?