Friday, September 29, 2006

Just one of those days

There are days when I should just not get out of bed. Days so filled with bad luck, I would probably serve myself better by simply snuggling as far as possible under my down comforter while 24 hours pass. One of those kind of days just happened to me, and being the responsible glutton-for-punishment that I am, I left the safety of my bed to face it. First, I overslept, and since I had a long day ahead of me all planned, I basically made it much longer. Then on my way to work I spilled half of my HOT coffee all over my only clean pair of jeans (I really need to do laundry), which not only left a nice wet spot in a very embarassing area but also stained them brown for the rest of the day. Everything I touched literally fell to pieces. I broke a number of glass bottles, got the printer to malfunction, and caused a computer to freeze and probably almost crash. I almost messed up every project I had planned for the day, so really I should have just stayed home. Oh well, according to Ralph Waldo Emerson, this probably means I am going to have one hell of a spectacular day coming my way. I'm just wondering when it will get here. I may miss it by staying in bed.

1 comment:

J-Funk said...

Those days, I tell myself - 'if I can get done early I'm going straight home and crawling back into bed' - and eventually my day gets better and I usually end up staying. But, sometimes I do get done early and go home and crawl into bed. That's when being in academics pays off.

I totally believe a good day is coming to you man. You'll know it because you'll be up early and be singing and dancing all the way to work and it'll be good all the way through.